Thursday, July 7, 2011

"He thinks of Colorado, and the girl he left behind him."

Today is (supposed to be) July 7, 2011. A year ago to this day, I drove into Baltimore and picked up my Certificate of Citizenship. After waddling off the plane in November of 1995, and almost fifteen years of living in the United States, I could finally officially call myself an American. How am I spending my anniversary? I think I'm in Italy today.

Not to say I don't love America. America is great! There's nothing like fall weekends with American football, afternoons in the spring and summer at the baseball stadiums, and Kentucky fried chicken (I have yet to try that behemoth they make... I forget what it's called... I think it's death?). It's the nation of Google and Facebook! It's also the only country I can really call home. I can sing with pride "I am Proud to be an American."

So have a pint of Yuengling or Sam Adams in my honor today, won't ya?

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