Friday, June 24, 2011

C6- We've been here for a week!

Apparently God himself reads my blog. The seas are not serene. It's an extra rocky big blue watery road. Poseidon, look at me! My mid day nap was awesome. Walking around the boat isn't. Some people are walking around in crutches with sprained ankles. You gotta be careful here.
Despite the extra rockiness, I think I'm more than good on the sea sickness. I accidentally skipped my five o'clock Bonine yesterday, but I'm not feeling any adverse effects yet. That said, I wobble about like everyone else, still. Gravity seems to come and go as it pleases, and when it comes, it's not always from directly below. I walk around like a drunk or like Jack Sparrow. Or is to walk one way the same as to walk the other? Oh well. It's only natural.
I had a French quiz this morning. I got up at four or five this morning and started studying, depending on what device you ask. Thankfully I got up on my own, my alarm on my phone wouldn't have gotten me up in time because I forgot to set it forward.
Studying in the piano bar, there wasn't a soul except there except me and the bar waitress. Not a creature was stirring, except for a couple girls on their way to the treadmills. Having time and space to make as much noise as you want is great; I got to rehearse some French out loud, strum my ukulele, and mess around with the piano, all before breakfast.
The test itself went easy; we were all stressing out over nothing. I guess it helps to hang around worry worts who are a little confused about French; it forces you to do work you otherwise wouldn't.
Not as many sun tanners today. The wind and rocky water has frightened them off. Though after any given amount of time outside, you end up tasting like salt. Anyway, they can get back to getting skin cancer later. I'm forever winning the tanning contest anyway, @Dan Levitas.
Random fact: You know what gets as much attention as my ukulele? My decal on my laptop. Just saying.
Tomorrow, we have an exam in the class everyone here takes, Global Studies. People are really stressing, but I find myself with my usual stupid sense of calm; if you got it you got it, if you don't you don't, as I used to, and still say. It's MUET 220 or MUSC 130. But with cathedrals and artwork instead of bongos. If all we need to know is facts about the ship, what kind of arches match what kind of architecture, and what sea are we traversing, I think I'm fine. (I am really cocky...)


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