Thursday, June 2, 2011

Asian Heritage Celebration IV(?) - JAI HO!! 2nd grade style

Raise the roof!

I'm running out of acts to talk about from this elementary school event. But I'm not done yet! Plenty of pictures to share and opinions to state! When you come into an elementary school for any event, you of course have to wonder, "What will the kids do? Sure, it's nice that they're inviting all these guests and showcasing their talents, but haven't the teachers made them do something?" And boy did these kids do something- they danced to the Jai Ho song from Slumdog Millionaire! (I think I have this movie on my hard drive... I have yet to see anything more than the credits because the credits are easily one of the most awesome things in the world...)

This. was. adorable. And a complete surprise to me. Granted I hardly payed attention to the program, with one eye in my viewfinder and the other on the FCA folk in case we were up next. All thirty or so of them moved along with the same choreography (for the most part). They were wearing simple white t shirts and jeans, but with colorful green and orange bandanas and sashes. Did I say they were adorable?

Though I have to point out, the teacher(?) or whoever instructed them to dance was actually a little scary.  He was constantly yelling at them to stay in line and to go into place. I would've taken a picture of him but I was standing right next to him; that would've been awkward (though he was wearing lovely Indian garments). I think he should go coach football...

Yet sadly, it seems like not everyone was that much into it. I guess this is to be expected from a gigantic group performance at a public school with a song they might not understand the significance of, but hey. I enjoyed the performance, nonetheless.

More pics in the imgur album:

We have a few more acts from this, and also pics from a Hawaiian music concert coming up!

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