Friday, July 15, 2011

Dubrovnik Day 4, and C11

Well, I posted about Day 2 and 3 on day 4, I don't have to go too much in detail. I woke up, had breakfast, went back to bed, went to the Internet Cafe at 10 am, used facebook. Victoria dropped by and I walked with her to the Konzum, a supermarket, and we spent all the kuna she had left. She spent most of her money and toiletries and cosmetics. I'll admit it was a little unusual when she asked me which scent of body wash I liked more for. She ended up getting the more subtle scent. We then headed over to a pharmacy to buy contact lens cleaner. It was a short, but interesting walk.

We went back to the Explorer for lunch, and a new face joined us, Eva (watch that be spelled wrong) the Greek student. She was very nice, not bad looking at all, and was able to tell us what we should eat, and where we should go, and what we should avoid in Greece. Also, apparently the riots have slowed down some. I look forward to spending my time not on fire. Also, we need to watch out for both muggers and pickpockets while in Greece. Oy.

I went back to the cafe to use the internet some more. But more people were on it, so it was very slow and inconsistent, so uploading pictures consistently with speed was a no-go. Bored, with about sixteen kuna (about three bucks) left of Croatian money, I got a pint of beer. God is great, Ozujsko beer is good.

In the night I did work for the next day, a French journal talking about food, but not before playing Halo in the computer lab with some others. Really, it was the worst idea ever, it's like giving a crack addict crack. You're making him happy, but you're not helping him.

The sea was calm this morning with hardly any rocking.

This morning, I woke up and went to French class, and turned in my journals. Nothing spectacular. But when I got to Psychology, we discussed a very riveting issue of false memory. We watched a 60 Minutes video about how a woman falsely accused a black man for raping her. Eventually, with DNA testing, the man was freed, but the piece looked into the psychological complications regarding his conviction, how we try to match pictures as best we can to the perpetrator even if the perpetrator is not among the pictures shown. After two trials, the woman was utterly convinced that the man raped her, even as the eventually DNA proven perpetrator was in the room. Sad state of affairs. But now they make money touring the country telling their story and selling a book. Also, he got money from the state to by a house. It doesn't fix everything but that's nice.

I don't know where the day went. You procrastinate a bit, take a couple naps and suddenly the sun is gone. We're losing an hour of sleep tonight, I have an exam in the morning. So wish me luck.

Also, email was down all day. That sucked.

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