Monday, July 11, 2011

Dubrovnik Day 1- Rocky Beach, Cute Croatian Chicks

So like every time we enter port, I wake up, and look out the window to see a whole new world! Err, let's be more descript than that. The view from Dubrovnik is surprisingly gorgeous, it is the most beautiful port yet. No other port is defined by cute little houses built into beautiful mountains, and a glorious bridge on the starboard side. Forget buying our parents homes in the south of France, buy them homes in the south of Croatia- it's that good.
I was part of the first trip off the boat, which was going to visit a campus. I was expecting some picturesque campus not unlike Maryland- boy was I wrong. We were visiting a small college run by RIT in Dubrovnik, which had two majors and 500 students. It's smaller than HCC. It's tuition is cheap, its accreditation is great, but it's tiny. I would still send my kids here, though, this city is quiet, with no distractions, and it's really pretty and safe. Already it's somewhere on the “I might want to live here” list.
Brianna, Hang, Veronica, Gabe (one of the Bahamians), Javier (not the Barcelona one), and Eric (half Vietnamese dude), walked to a beach. Beaches here are not as picturesque as the Bahamas- they are rocky. They are really rocky. They are really really really rocky. And they have sea urchins. We think Brianna stepped in one, and the other girls had to perform surgery. Kind of awesome, but it kind of sucks.
After we all got out of the water, I played a few songs with the ukulele. Brianna and Hang (try to) make music videos where I play and they dance, I can't wait to see them uploaded. We did get applause from the locals, and got the attention a couple of cute girls to our left. I tried to talk to them, but they knew no English, and my Croatian is but a fragment of my Italian, which is a fragment of my Spanish, which is a fragment of my English. Lost cause. But they did ask to take my picture with them (as well as the Bahamian, I admit he has cool hair). (Don't throw the no pics or it didn't happen argument, I have witnesses) I'll keep my uke on me here, I know I won't be stabbed by locals.
Tomorrow I'm trying to go to some islands. We'll see how that goes!

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