Sunday, May 29, 2011

Roscoe Nix Elementary Asian Heritage Celebration Part I

I have a great appreciation for cultural performances. There is really no better way to teach to yourself your own culture while sharing it with the world than through dancing experience; I guess that's why I joined FCA Cultural. But for as much as I enjoy performing personally, I also get a huge kick out of seeing others perform their own dances, whether they be of their native culture or not. Performing at and watching the Roscoe Nix Elementary Asian Heritage Celebration was a big treat for me, then.

Chinese Yo-Yo

Chinese Yo-Yo essentially involves an oversized spool and a long string held with both hands. In rhythm to music, the performer twirls and spins the spool about, and launches it in the air for cool tricks.

That's a lame description of it. You should see it live. I remember seeing it in Sydney with Cirque de Soleil and being really impressed with the young gymnasts performing.

Alas, these elementary school kids weren't gymnasts. But at the same time, they weren't bad. Obviously they weren't the most dedicatd performers, but I guess that's why they opened.

Afghani Traditional Dance

The second act to go was this mother-daughter duo presenting an Afghani dance. Unfortunately it seemed that the audience (elementary school kids) weren't settled in and didn't pay too much attention. But it must've taken a lot of guts for that young girl to perform a dance with just her mom. I should've taken better pictures, but my angle and distance her bad.

More to come!

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