In other news, I got 100 on my Global Studies Exam. And I hardly studied, in relation to a lot of students. Praise the lord and get at me.
Today, we had a big talent show on the ship. Yours truly obviously played ukulele. It was nerve-racking prior to the performance, since I don't think I've performed solo in front of crowd of this magnitude. But once you start strumming, and singing a little bit, the flutters go away, and it's just like serenading Croatians on a beach. In a four minute span, I played "Somewhere Over The Rainbow," "I'm Yours", "Hey Soul Sister", and "Just The Way You Are". You know, the standards.
The round of applause afterwards was pretty heartwarming. As I walked out, little children raised their hands for high fives. I had a round of high fives, fist bumps, and pats on back afterward. And this one girl who I had my eye on this entire trip but had no reason to talk to told me my performance was awesome. Life is about the tiny victories.
There were some pretty magnificent performances. My friend Nancy, who eventually won third place, showed of her piano virtuosity. Matt Timko played a lovely song, seemingly about reconciliation, that he wrote on the ship. This one girl performed a hula, which made me kind of homesick for ukulele open mics. A dancer girl did a slam poetry reading, which I didn't expect from her at all, and won second place. Very moving. This one girl, who teaches belly dancing on the ship, did a magnificent solo performance that won it all.
But there as this one that was just plain absurd. I kid you not, I have witnessed the worst cover of Bohemian Rhapsody ever. I'll leave it at that.
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